Can institutional Bitcoin adoption buck political fears in crypto?

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  • Sep 05, 2024

Bitcoin's relationship with macroeconomic trends is increasingly becoming a focal point of discussion among industry experts.

In a recent discussion, Roundtable anchor Rob Nelson, Mason Jappa, Co-Founder and CEO of Blockware, and Craig Shapiro, Founder of The Alethea Narrative, explored the implications of this growing correlation and debated the potential for Bitcoin to decouple from traditional markets.

Roundtable anchor Rob Nelson opened the discussion with a critical observation: "What struck me ... is for so long people thought Bitcoin wouldn't correlate with macro trends, even with what's going on in TradFi markets, and we're seeing there is some correlation now."

Mason Jappa, Co-Founder and CEO of Blockware, emphasized the potential for Bitcoin to eventually break free from this correlation, noting, "I think at some point we will see an un-correlation event where Bitcoin really breaks off." Mason Jappa's outlook is optimistic, particularly with the anticipation of Bitcoin's best performance year following the halving event back in the spring. He noted, "I'm expecting a bull market in the second half of 2025," pointing to institutional adoption and political factors as critical drivers.

Craig Shapiro, Founder of The Alethea Narrative, however, presented a more cautious perspective, focusing on the shorter-term. He expressed concern about the next eight to ten weeks, especially as the U.S. election looms. "My concern is shorter term," Shapiro said, highlighting Bitcoin's role as a "last functioning fire alarm" during times of market stress. He pointed out how Bitcoin acted as a release valve during recent liquidity events, suggesting that while it remains resilient, the path forward is uncertain.

Despite these differing viewpoints, there was consensus that Bitcoin's future will be influenced by a complex interplay of market forces, political developments, and investor sentiment. As Jappa concluded, "Institutional top adoption has never been higher," a sentiment that underscores the increasing significance of Bitcoin in the global financial ecosystem.